Caitlyn | High School Senior | Awesome | Houma LA

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Caitlyn High School Senior Pictures Houma Caitlyn High School Senior Pictures Houma Caitlyn High School Senior Pictures Houma Caitlyn High School Senior Pictures Houma

Caitlyn as you can see is a super model when it comes to High School Senior Pictures. The thing is she just knows what to do and how to get the best looks. Check out the variety in just these 4 images. Is your senior photographer giving you that much variety? Are all of your senior pictures so different and so perfect? What about the price!? Check out our Senior Portrait Pricing Page and see that it is TRUE what other are saying….Kirk Voclain is the BEST and BEST PRICED SENIOR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER in the Triparish Area!!!!

Kirk Voclain Senor Portraits Page
Give us a Call: 985-851-4314

Hannah | Senior Pictures | Houma LA | Kirk Voclain

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Hannah Senior Pictures Houma LA Kirk Voclain Hannah Senior Pictures Houma LA Kirk Voclain Hannah Senior Pictures Houma LA Kirk Voclain

This is Hannah, just check out that smile!!!!!! Why is Hannah so happy? WELL isn’t it obvious from looking at her senior pictures? She went to the best photographer in Houma and one of the to 3 High School Senior Photographers in the Country! IF that were not enough, she also got a great deal, a great price. Now, add that up….great images, from the best photographer, at a great price and just a ton of fun will make you crazy happy!!! Just like Hannah!!!

Give us a call at 985-851-4314 if you would like to do like Hannah!

Kirk Voclain Photography Web Site

Colby | Vandebilt Senior | Houma LA

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Colby Vandebilt Senior Portrait Houma LA Colby Vandebilt Senior Portrait Houma LA Colby Vandebilt Senior Portrait Houma LA

This is Colby! She did so awesome with her senior portraits! I just love how REAL she looks and yet perfect in every detail. We sure did love doing her senior pictures. If any of her friends are reading this, have Colby show you her proof book and ask her for a deal, she will have the power to give it to you!

Would you like some perfect senior pictures? Give us a call, we can help! 985-851-4314

Kirk Voclain Photography Web Site for More Information

High School Senior Portraits | The Flare | Houma

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With High School Senior Portraits, “The Flare” for many years was considered a mistake. Now days, it has become something that High School Seniors want! Learn how to make a flare and more in todays blog post!

Sample Images of High School Senior Portraits

Check out these High School Señor Portraits. They are all examples of “The Flare”.

high school senior portraits flare houma thibodaux gallianohigh school senior pictures boy flare houma thibodaux gallianohigh school senior pictures flare houma thibodaux gallianohigh school senior pictures girl flare houma thibodaux galliano

Notice in all of those examples you see some kind of sun-flare. The technique is often times done by mistake by not having a lens hood on your camera. But it can also be done on purpose. Let’s talk about how to do it.

Making a Flare

First, you got to have the sun in your image. You have to also have some very powerful lighting equipment. Notice the 2 images of the boy and the girl High School Senior Portraits with the blue sky. Those are done by shooting straight into the sun and then having a light that is more powerful than than the sun. You just put more light on the High School Senior and just like that you have a sun flare in the back of your seniors. Now you need to fully understand shutter speed, X sync, and flash speeds to fully pull this off. Hiring a professional photographer can help you get this look in your High School Senior Portraits! Having the right Senior Outfit can help you too, read my blog post about Senior Outfits.

The other examples of the 2 girls with the green around them is another type of flare that requires less light power. You need to properly position your camera so that the sun is making a flare on the lens. Take off your Lens Shade if you have one on your camera. Most amateur photographers do not even know what a lens shade is. They Never put it on. But all real professional photographers will have on on their lens. Most of the time, this type of flare can be seen in the camera so making it is a bit easier.

Posing for High School Senior Portraits with Flare

You need to have just the right pose for a flare shot. Many times, it’s a Senior Head Shot. Also, you got to have the right kind of Props too! All of this comes into play! Make sure you hire an experienced professional photographer for your High School Senior Portraits so you can get just the right look!

For all of the 2019 High School Seniors, check out our Model Program.

Visit our Studio Web Site.

Learn more about Senior Portraits.

Check out our Pricing.

Call our Studio:  985-851-4314
Send Us a Text:  985-688-2100

Senior Portraits Paint Props | Studio Lighting | Houma

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One of the things I love the most about Senior Portraits is the cool props that they bring, like Paint!!!! In the senior pictures on this post, you can see that Jami really had a great time with us. This is what happens when an artist and a photographer come together and our minds meet.

Kirk voclain senior portrait paint studio houma la Kirk voclain senior portrait paint studio floor houma la Kirk voclain senior picture paint studio houma la Kirk voclain senior picture paint hands studio houma la

To pull off props like you see in these senior pictures, you have to really know what you are doing! The paint must be non toxic and something that will not mess up your clients skin. So be very careful when doing these types of senior portraits. The Senior Outfit too must be properly matched to the paint and the background. What we do is we have the Senior mess up a nice white tee shirt so that it’s ready to go, dry and perfect for the portrait. Usually, with a white shirt, that means that a nice white background is needed to make your subjects face really come out of the scene!!!

Super Fun Senior Portraits when we use Paint as our Props

As you can see on the face of Jami, she is having a whole lot of fun doing these images. If you ware worried that it will mess up your makeup or hair, don’t worry, we always do this last so we can make a huge mess and we end up with super fun senior portraits. As you can tell in the picture, I just had to get in on some of the fun!!!!

Kirk voclain photographer artist paint senior picture

Do you want to have fun with Your Senior Portraits?

We know you want to have as much fun as Jami did with your senior portraits. So, give us a call!!! We want to help you make your senior portraits the best. If you have some wacky idea, we have the experience to help you make that idea come true. With well over 40 years of experience photography High School Seniors, we know what you want!!!

Phone:  985-851-4314
Text Us:   985-688-2100


Click here to go to our web site.

GO here to go to our Senior Info Page.

Click here to read all about our Senior Pricing.


Do you just love everything and you are ready to make an appointment only? GO HERE!!!




Extreme Senior Model Program

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Our Senior Models from Houma, Thibodaux, Galliano and all of South Louisiana, I’m glad you are on this page! This means you are interested in being a Senior Model. Don’t be forced into signing a contract, this time of your life is too short for that! Our Senior Model Program is a “no rules”, upfront program! Keep reading to learn more.

Extreme Senior Model Program Kirk Voclain Photography

Who can be a SENIOR MODEL?

In keeping with our “no rules” policy, the straight up answer is anyone!! We don’t pick special group of Seniors!? Nope, all you have to do is BE a senior and presto, you are a Senior Model!! At Kirk Voclain Photography we treat every customer special!! That is why ALL of the Seniors that we photograph look like they are models!!!

 How is it possible that EVERYONE can be a Senior Model?

So many photographers these days have Senior Model Programs. They have some really cute names for them too! But bottom line, you are then tied into that photographer for your whole senior year!! Many will even make you PAY high prices for your senior pictures up front. At our studio, we have a simple policy! That means you are free to just be a senior. No picture taking in the crazy hot summer months!! Yuck!!! Who wants to do that??? Kirk Voclain Photography just lets you come when we have great weather!!! This coming senior year should be all about YOU!!! NOT, all about advertising for some photographer.

But what about the DEALS for being a Senior Model?

Oh sure, we’ve got some super cool deals for High School Senior Models!!! Just schedule your session in October, November, or December and Kirk Voclain Photography will give you $100 OFF your session fees!! No catch 22, and most of all “no money” up front! You do not pay for anything until your session is over!! Plus, you have to be crazy happy with everything we do, EVERY SHOT, or you don’t pay at all!!!! How cool is that!!! So we are inviting every High School Senior in the Houma, Thibodaux, Raceland, Galliano and all of the South Louisiana area to sign up!!! You’ve got nothing to lose with us!

Click here for more info about high school senior pictures.

I’ve heard that you are expensive, is that true?

We’ve heard this for years now! Here is the reason why people THINK this is the case. It’s because our senior pictures look so awesome! It’s also because of all the time we are willing to spend with you. Finally, it’s because of our over 40 years of experience that we know all the finer details of lighting, posing and award winning editing! YES, our senior pictures just look perfect! So, very often, people CONCLUDE that our senior pictures MUST be expensive??? But the simple fact of the matter is, our pricing is the same or even a bit lower than all of the other photographers in town. Think about what that means, you get better pictures that cost less!!! Seems crazy doesn’t it, well here is why we can do that. The building where our studio is located is owned by us!! We OWN the building, studio, and property! We don’t rent a space!!! Thus I save you that massive expense!

Click here to get more info about our senior picture pricing.

Here is a direct link to my senior pictures price list.

Go here if you would like to look at images on my Blog Senior Pictures Page.

 Explain the “NO RULES” Senior Model Program.

  1. NO RULES!!!
  2. See rule number one if you think there is a catch 22.
  3. You pay nothing up front! You have to love what we do or you just don’t pay!
  4. You have to be a high school senior. Is that a rule?? I don’t think so, it logic, it a program for seniors.
  5. You come in and take senior pictures when you want, but if you come in Oct., Nov., or Dec., you get $100 off your session fees and we use your images in social media advertising.
  6. You get the best price from the best photographer with the most experience!!! Total win – win for you. No hassles, no contract, no paying up front.

IF all of this sounds great, call, text, or email us and let us get you on our schedule. After you scheduled, we will then photograph you and make the best senior portraits you have ever seen!!! Enjoy your senior year!!!!

Fall Senior Pictures it’s that Time

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I was photographing fall senior pictures up north a few years ago at a photography class that I was teaching. I was blown away at how awesome the colors and the style was for these fall senior pictures. I wanted to bring this style back to Houma, LA and so I did this year. You really have to know what you are doing to produce this style of pictures. But I feel the extra work is worth it. Take a careful look at these images and you will see how crazy cool they are. Fall senior pictures is not something that just happens in Houma, LA! You have to MAKE IT HAPPEN. You need the perfect lighting! The perfect tree, and the perfect pose.

if you would like for us to do some fall senior pictures. do not wait much longer. This style requires a certain look to the foliage. That look only happens at this time of the year. In a few weeks, all of the foliage will be gone and you will have missed out. Let us make some fall senior pictures for you today.

fall senior pictures downtown houma la senior boy water

fall senior pictures houma la senior girl bow arrow

fall senior pictures downtown houma la senior boy fall senior pictures season houma la senior girl

Great New about Fall Senior Pictures

The really, really great news about doing fall pictures is that we always have a discount this time of the year. All session fees are 1/2 price this time of the year (October, November and December). So, if you like this look and you want some fall senior pictures take advantage of the foliage along with the low, low pricing.

We want to be your high school señor picture photographer!!!!

Kirk Voclain Photography Phone Number:  985-851-4314
Kirk Voclain Photography Text Phone Line:  985-688-2100

Web Site:  Click Here for Kirk Voclain Photography

Senior Pricing:  Click Here for Senior Pricing from Kirk Voclain Photography.

Senior Info:  Click Here for Senior Info from Kirk Voclain Photography.

Senior Boy Downtown Houma LA

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Are you looking for Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA Ideas? We have a bunch for you to look at. These images are designed to show you that Downtown Senior Boy Senior Pictures do not have to be boring and stale. Let us help you find the perfect spot to do your senior pictures.

Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA in the Fall Season

senior boy downtown houma la fall season

For this crazy cool image we were actually all done and walking back to the car to go back to my studio on Lafayette Street. When all of a sudden the sun shined on that tree and the colors just popped out!!! I could not leave this awesome location with out doing a classic portrait like this. You have to have a eye for color and style when you are photographing the High School Senior Boy. And if you are downtown Houma, LA you really have to keep your eye open.

Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA by the Arch

senior boy downtown houma la arch

Can you believe the senior boy picture? I used to get my hair cut right here at this spot several years ago. How many times have I been right past here and never saw it. That is why when you are doing senior boy pictures downtown Houma, LA you have to be ready, eyes wide open and looking all the time. So many photographers have tunnel vision and they just go straight to the court house. YUCK, aren’t you sick of it? Everyone’s senior pictures all looking exactly the same??? I know I am and I’m not a high school senior boy.

Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA in Black and White

senior boy downtown houma la black white

if you look very, very close at this image, especially if you print it, you will see a fine grain over the image that make it have a very “film look”. This look is something you can only achieve if you really, really know editing. It’s not just a filter like you use in Instagram?!?! This is a special process that you learn with years, and years of experience. If you want high school senior boy images that have that strong and classic look, that “film look”, give us a call!!!!

Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA by Smoky Row

senior boy downtown houma la smoky row

Here is a fun shot by the big Smoky Row sign that was put up several years ago by Hollywood. But the twist of this image is the time of day that it was done. It was early in the morning and there was strong sunlight coming all across this young man. If you know lighting, like the back of your hand, this is no problem. But if you are just starting out in photography, you would really be perplexed on what to do in this situation. Do not hire a photographer who clicks and clicks and clicks HOPING to get a good image, hire an experienced photographer who know just what to do to make it perfect.

Senior Boy Downtown Houma with his Hoody

senior boy downtown houma la hoody

I love photographing a hoody, I think it make you look really tough! and it makes you look strong! Please if you have a hoody, bring it, we want to make you good! The hoody is part of the secret. But knowing where to put you so that the light comes in and make you look the best you can, now that is talent. You get that kind of talent with well over 40 years of experience. Give us a call, we want to make you look good!!!!

Senior Boy Downtown Houma, LA on the Back Door

senior boy downtown houma la back door

Let’s face it, anyone can take a picture! Anyone! You have a camera in your pocket right now! You know how to take pictures. But, take a crazy spot like the back door of a building in Downtown Houma, LA and make it good, now that is something that requires an “Artful Eye”. Do not trust your precious senior pictures to just anyone. Experience Counts and when it has to be the best, count on a professional photographer who has well over 40 years of experience.

We want to be your high school senior boy photographer! We want to show you how to pose, what to do and where to go. You do not have to do any thinking, you will not have to know what to do! We take control and we show you exactly what will look the best. Give us a call or check out our web site and let us help!!!

Phone:  985-851-4314
Text Us:  985-688-2100

Web Site:   If you want to go to our full web site click here.

Senior Info:   Click here for more senior picture info.

Senior Pricing:   Go here if you want to how much senior pictures cost.

Senior Girl Downtown Houma LA

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Are you looking for some Senior Girl photographed in the Downtown Houma, LA area? Well you have come to the right place. I have so many awesome ideas to share! So, sit back and get ready to be blown away at what you can get when you combine experience with an awesome location!

Senior Girl Downtown Houma with Cap and Gown    senior girl downtown houma la cap & Gown

Todays Senior Girl is not interested in the boring old cap and gown pictures like their momma took. We take that to a new level of awesomeness with todays senior girl. You are looking for style, design, color, and most of all you are looking for a photographer who knows lighting to make you look your very best. Anyone can take a picture! You have a camera in your pocket right now and you know how to take a picture. But it’s more than that if you want to look awesome! Is all of the things we just talked about and most of all it’s the experience of the photographer behind the camera. Kirk Voclain Photographer has been photographing the High School Senior Girl since we were in High School!!! That’s over 40 years of experience. Do not trust. your precious memories to just anyone. When you have to have the best, Experience Counts!!!!!

Senior Girl Downtown Houma, LA Curbside.

senior girl downtown houma la curbside

If you watch photographers who do not know what they are doing you will see them walking about with their camera around their neck, clicking and clicking and clicking!!! Hundreds if not thousands of clicks! When you hear that shutter going click, click, click, that means they are just hoping they get something right! Let’s face it, even a broken clock is right 2 times durning the day!!! Hahahaha!!! We did this senior image in just one click! HOW you ask, we know where you put you, we “see” the light and the style and design, because we have studied this for so long. Little subtle things that you think just mean nothing add to this image. Notice the awning over the senior girls head. This is the biggest reason this image is so awesome. That awning is what is directing the light into her face and producing that lighting that is just so flattering. It’s natural, just there and perfect, ready for the taking, if you know where to look for it. So, do not trust a photographer who is walking around with a huge bulky light with a big ole umbrella on it!!! They are walking around with that because they do not know how to find that beautiful natural light that is all around us.

Senior Girl Downtown Houma, LA on the Sidewalk

senior girl downtown houma la sidewalk

When you walk around downtown houma with a senior girl you will see so many cool things. Like this image just sitting there…waiting to be photographed. While I was doing this picture the senior girls mom ask me if we were going to the court house? I said no way, that area is photographed to death! Every photographer that goes downtown Houma, LA will take the senior into the court house area. Aren’t you sick of it? Everyone’s senior pictures all look the same. Hire a photographer who has vision, who sees the style and the excitement of Downtown Houma!!!

Senior Girl Downtown Houma, LA at the Cafe’

senior girl downtown houma la cafe

When you can do senior girl pictures that look like they should be in a magazine you have really done something. This senior girl is not a model, she is not schooled in posing and modeling. She looks like a model in a magazine because she trusted us to help her pose and go to an area in Downtown Houma, LA where she would look like a model in a magazine. If you want your High School Senior Pictures to be like a model in a magazine you have to trust a photographer this lots and lots of experience. It is not accident that this image looks like it does, it’s SKILL!!!

Senior Girl Downtown Houma, LA by the Bricks

senior girl downtown houma la bricks

A classic head shot will always make for an exciting high school senior girl portrait. This image is also done downtown Houma, LA and is a spot we have used for certain outfits and certain people. We do not do everyone here. You have to know something about style and color and color theory to know what will complement the High School Senior Girls skin color and complexion and clothing choice. It all has to come together to produce a portrait that is timeless, something that will be popular for many, many years.

Senior Girl Downtown Houma in Black and White

senior girl downtown houma la black&white

To truly do first class Black & White photography, you have to know all kinds of technical things like the Zone System, contrast, angle, and mostly you have to know what kind of lighting will add to a Black and White portrait and not take away from it. This is what happens when you hire a photographer with experience. Someone to knows and studies all these things.

If you are convinced that you want the BEST PHOTOGRAPHER in all of Downtown Houma, LA! Give us a call or check out our web site. We want to make your senior pictures something that you will be proud of when you have Grand Children!!!!

Phone:  985-851-4314
Text Us:  985-688-2100

Web Site:  Click here to go to our full web site.

Senior Info:   Click here if you would like more info on Senior Pictures.

Senior Pricing:   Click here if you would like pricing on pictures Downtown Houma LA.

Senior Pics Fall Season Galliano and Houma LA

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Senior Picture Galliano LA Fall Season

Senior Pics in the Fall Season

These stunning Senior Pics during the Fall Season was of a High School Senior from Galliano La. I know you are wondering how I did these senior pics. You are wondering where in the world did I take a senior picture like that around here. I’m here to help you understand what it takes to pull off senior pictures like this.

How you do it?

Professional photography is certainly a bit of a mystery! I must get a hundred messages a week asking me, how did you do these senior pics, how did you do those senior pictures. This one was created using just the light that is all around us. I did use a bit of a fill flash on my camera to lighten up the shadows and to provide some detail in the shadows, but other than that, the art of these senior pics is knowing where to put the subject at just the right time to produce just the right effect. This is the difference between someone with a camera and a Professional Photographer. Professional Photographers know where to put the light. This image was done in just one take! ONE SHOT, not image after image after image.

Where in the World did You take these Senior Pictures?

Believe it or not, it’s done right here in Houma, LA! It’s kinda a secret spot, so give us a call and let’s talk about it. If you would like to do some nice Fall Senior Pictures, let us help!!!

Call Kirk Voclain Photography

We have been doing stunning Senior Pics like this for over 40 years. Do not be tricked into picking a senior photographer just because your friends went there. Make your senior pictures special, unique, and totally different than anything else.

When it has to be the best, experience counts. Call Kirk Voclain Photography for your Senior Pics.

Phone:  985-851-4314
Text:  985-688-2100

Web Site:  Check out all the samples of our Images!