Sage Ledet | KVP Extreme 2019 Senior Model | Houma LA

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This is Mr. Sage Ledet! What an awesome model!!! REALLY, REALLY AWESOME. He signed up for our Kirk Voclain Photography Extreme 2019 Senior Model Program and I am So, So Glad he did…wonderful model as you can see from his images.

But what I really want you to look at is the lighting on his images. When you hire a photographer with experience, that photographer knows exactly what type of lighting to put on you to make your senior pictures look spectacular! Don’t settle for average senior portraits….demand the best. Insist on Kirk Voclain Photography.

Now is the best time to do your senior pictures because the weather is awesome in the month of October and most of all, we are having a 1/2 price special on Sessions, Retouching, and Proofing. Do NOT miss this as it will not be repeated!

Give us a Call (985-951-4314) and also check out our web site for some awesome ideas:

You can even book your session online:

Sage | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Sage | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Sage | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Sage | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA

Laurel Chiasson | KVP Extreme 2019 Senior Model | Houma LA

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I would like to introduce to your the beautiful Ms. Laurel Chiasson. She is a dancer!!! And as you can see in her images she KNOWS HOW TO POSE!!!! It is just so awesome having her as one of Kirk Voclain Photography’s Extreme 2019 Senior Models!!!! Houma, Thibodaux and all of Galliano, Larose, and Lockport are brighter now that she is getting her High School Senior Picture taken with Kirk Voclain Photography!

Notice the variety of different backgrounds and areas that we are offering this year. You just do not have that many choices if you went to 10 different photographers!!!!! Give us a call (985-851-4314) and let us show you how your High School Senior Pictures could be the best anywhere if you let us photograph you. Check out the pictures on our website to see the variety we offer: And you I can even book your session online:

Take advantage of the 1/2 Price Special if you take your senior portraits before the end of October.

Laurel | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Laurel | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Laurel | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Laurel | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA

Braeden Parfait | KVP Extreme 2019 Senior Model | Houma LA

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This is Mr. Braeden Parfait! What a great Model! He really got into it and we just loved working with hm as an Extreme 2019 Senior Model. Carefully look over his images and just take note of how different they are from anything else you see around Houma. When you are hiring a Profession Photographer, EXPERIENCE COUNTS when it comes to Studio Photography. Lighting is the key, and you just do not learn Professional Photography Lighting in a few years! It takes decades of experience.

At Kirk Voclain Photography we have been photographing High School Seniors for 4 decades!!!! Now that is some major experience! Give us a call (985-851-4314) and let us help you with your High School Senior Portraits. Check out our images on our web site:  And you can even book your session online:

We want to be your High School Senior Photographer! Take advantage of our 1/2 Price Special all the way through October.

Braeden | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Braeden | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Braeden | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Braeden | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA

Alyssa Trahan | KVP Extreme 2019 Senior Model | Houma LA

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Let me introduce to your Ms. Alyssa Trahan, our latest Kirk Voclain Photography Extreme 2019 Senior Model!!!! Check out her images, Oh My Goodness they are just awesome! We did all kinds of images all over my studio and in our custom backyard “Private” portrait park. We had an amazing time!

At Kirk Voclain Photography it is our goal to make sure High School Senior Pictures are far and beyond the best you have ever seen!!!! Come on in and let us show you how your senior pictures can be awesome!!!

We are having a SALE all the way through the Month of October! So don’t miss out. You can get 1/2 Off all Session Fees, Retouching and Proofing! Give us a call (985-851-4314) or check out our images on our web site: or you can even book your session online:

Alyssa | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Alyssa | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Alyssa | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Alyssa | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA

Amber Lirette | KVP Extreme 2019 Senior Model | Houma LA

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I am just so excited to introduce to you the awesome Ms. Amber Lirette!!! We did a few FREE TEST images of her today for her Extreme 2019 Senior Model Session! As you can see from the images she is just such an awesome Model!

As I’m sure you know, the great thing about being a part of the Kirk Voclain Photography Extreme 2019 Senior Model Program is that it’s just FREE! You get a bunch of Free Images…..and all sessions are 1/2 Price through the month of October.

So don’t be fooled into paying a ton of money to be a MODEL….you owe it to yourself to be photographed by the best photographer in all of the Houma, Thibodaux, Galliano area. Give us a call and let us help you make some memories that will last a lifetime!

Kirk Voclain Photography is not just another fly by night senior photographer who has been shooting for a couple of year….He is extremely experienced, over 40 years serving the community as a pro photographer.


Amber | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Amber | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Amber | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Amber | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA Amber | Kirk Voclain Photography | Model | Houma LA




Tricks Of The Trade | PS Actions | Sleeklens

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Tricks of the Trade is something I’m often asked by professional photographers, they will say, “…how in the world do you get your images to look so perfect?” Well in today blog Post, I’m going to show you some wicked cool tricks of the trade.

Tricks Of The Trade – Photoshop Actions

For those that do not know about Actions, an Action is something that works kinda like a DVR works with TV. On a DVR you can set it to record a program and then go back and watch it later. In Photoshop, there is a thing called “Actions” that allow you to record steps inside of the program. Then when you need to do those steps again, you just hit play.


This is a company that makes some nice clean usable PS Actions. Sleeklens makes PS Actions.  They also offer Editing Services. And they also offer Light Room Presets. They even has a video that shows you how it works. Check out the video:

I personally have their Actions and here is a quick before and after to show you want you can do with their product:

Before and After Photoshop Actions

Being a professional photographer is oh so much more than just taking pretty pictures. You have to know what makes a portrait awesome and what it takes to make a client happy.

Professional Photography Education

I have said it before and I will say it again. Just knowing a trick is not all there is to being a professional photographer. The Tricks of the Trade are certainly important, but then knowing how to use them, where to use them, why you use them is beyond important. It is EVERYTHING.

If you are a professional photographer and you are reading this, or if you are an aspiring pro photographer, let me give you one more of my secrets, EDUCATION!!!! Almost everything that I know has come from The web site. I have been learning on this site now for almost 25 years. The site has over 2,000,000 posts from photographers from all over the world. If it has been talked about it has been talked about on the Pro4uM. So, if you want to get better, learn more and become all that you can be in the great industry of Professional Photography, let me encourage you to Join The

By: Kirk Voclain
Professional Photographer

The Importance of High-Quality Media for Home Sellers

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It may be hard to believe, but it wasn’t that long ago when online real estate listings became common. Prior to that, many real estate listings were posted in local newspapers or in weekly real estate publications. Prospective buyers would read a short description of the property and see a photo or two if they were lucky, but their first real impression of the home wouldn’t be until their showing or when they decided to drive by the house for themselves! Today, the Internet makes it easier and more convenient than ever to browse homes and other properties for sale—as well as listing them—from the convenience of a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

For home owners looking to sell in the near future, this may also mean more competition with other local sellers. Having a well written and informative listing is key to generating interest in your property, as is including plenty of high quality media in the form of photos and possibly even videos of your home. And for most sellers, the best way to maximize photo quality is to hire a professional real estate photographer and/or videographer for the job.

1609 Bayou Black

Showcase Professional Staging

There are many benefits of having high quality media on your real estate listing, including its ability to really showcase the layout and staging of a home. For sellers who have paid for professional staging, professional photos of the home inside and out will be the icing on the cake. These photos will help prospective buyers get a better feel for how the space can be used without ever setting foot inside of it. Furthermore, quality photos and even videos can help buyers better envision themselves living in the home before they have even set foot inside it!

Show Off a Great Property or Curb Appeal

Great photos and video can also be an effective way of showing off a desirable location, plot of land, or excellent curb appeal. For example, a drone video or drone photos may be taken from a birds-eye view above your home to show off its proximity to a local park, pond, or wooded area. If your home has beautiful landscaping, these images can also show off the thought and care that has gone into maintaining and beautifying your exterior. And to many buyers, a well kept exterior is a sign of a well maintained home overall, which is always a selling point.

Give Buyers a Better Feel for Your Home

If you choose to add a 3D video walkthrough or other interactive media to your real estate listing, this is yet another great way to help prospective buyers get a better feel for your home and determine whether or not it may be suitable for their needs. This can save sellers the hassle of scheduling unnecessary showings, as those who do request to see the home will likely have already viewed the images/videos and are serious about potentially making an offer.

These are just a few of the many reasons sellers can benefit from professional media in a real estate listing. Looking to sell your home? Consider contacting a professional real estate photographer before your listing goes live.

Kirk Voclain Photography Real Estate Info Page

Real Estate Pricing Page

Food Photography | You Eat With Your Eyes

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Why is Food Photography So Important?

Let’s face if, Food Photography is extremely important! Why? Because we eat with our eyes FIRST! How many times have you been looking at a commercial on television and you see a sizzling freshly cut steak, a buttery potato or vegetables, and a splash of crisp salad. Then all of a sudden you realize you are hungry! HUM….you ask, “….what am I in the mood for? Boy could I go for a steak, potato and a nice salad!”

If this has ever happened to you, then you just ate a meal with your eyes. The better that steak, potato and salad looks, the more hungry you get. Inside, before long you begin to smell it, taste it, and enjoy it!

This is why Professional Food Photography is so Important.

Food Photography – Desert!

One of the things advertisers and really great restaurants do and realize is that to sell you deserts it is even more difficult. You are done eating by the time you are ready for a desert. That means that you are full. Everything is telling you to get up from the table and go home! Your tummy is full, your belt is tight, your plate is scrapped over.

But then they pop out that desert menu. Those images have to be Spectacular! Why? Because, again, we eat with our eyes. If those deserts LOOK awesome, we again start tasting them, feeling the pleasure they bring to us when we eat them, and we just have to have them.

Check out these images we did for Zack’s Frozen Yogurt:

Food Photography Deserts Eat With Your Eyes Kirk VoclainFood Photography Deserts Eat With Your Eyes Kirk Voclain Food Photography Deserts Eat With Your Eyes Kirk Voclain Food Photography Deserts Eat With Your Eyes Kirk Voclain Food Photography Deserts Eat With Your Eyes Kirk Voclain

Are you starting to want a nice Zack’s Frozen Yogurt? Are you starting to take the wonderful flavors? Are you feeling the creamy smoothness in your mouth right now? Then that is because you have started eating this Zack’s Frozen Yogurt with your eyes.

Your Restaurant and Professional Photography

If you own a restaurant or any type of business that serve food of any kind. Then we can help you get more business. Imagine if you are a seafood restaurant. Everyone wants “Fat Crabs” and “Big Crawfish”. We can help you show that off and everyone will be going to you because you are the best! What if your restaurant is competing with a national chain? Go take a look a the Professional Photography inside of their menu’s and on their walls and displays. If you are not showing off BETTER images they they are, you are losing business to them. Stopping this trend can be as simple as some awesome, Professional Food Photography.

Let us help you and your business. Give us a call to talk about what we can do for you: 985-851-4314

Kirk Voclain Photography Web Site.
Commercial Photography Info Page.

Photography Samples Page.
Pricing on Commercial Photography.


Professional Real Estate Photos | Success Story | Houma LA

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Does it really matter if I take Professional Real Estate Photos or will I eventually sell my property anyway?

I got a camera, does professional real estate photos matter? This is a huge question that people ask all the time. Let’s face it, everyone has a camera these days in their pocket in the form of a cell phone. But is that really good enough? Well, to answer that you have to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Do you want to sell your home fast or slow?
  2. Are you interested in getting the highest price or just any price to make it sell?
  3. Do you need to attract attention to your property?

Of course, most of us know the answer to all of those questions. WHO wants to sell their home slow, and get on minimum for it and not attract attention to it? NOBODY!!!

So, what is one thing you can do? Well, Professional Real Estate Photos should be number one on your list of things to do.

Check out these images of a home that I photographed just a few months ago.

Real Estate Photos Houma LA Real Estate Photos Houma LA Real Estate Photos Houma LA Real Estate Photos Houma LA

Beautiful home??? YES!!! This home was priced just under half a million dollars! And the home had been on the market for a long time. The local agent had taken some pictures with a nice camera, but was that good enough?

The home owner called me and scheduled me to go do professional real estate photos. As a result, 2 weeks later, the house sold! SOLD!!!!!!

Recently I ran into the home owner and we started chatting. She told me the story about how it sold in only 2 weeks after I delivered the professional real estate photos. I was completely blown away that she had sold it that fast. She kept saying that it was me that sold the house, all because of the awesome photos.

I asked her to PROVE that to me…could she contact the person who bough the property and confirm with them WHY they bought that particular property???? So she did!

The following is an exactly copy of their conversation:

Professional Real Estate Photos Professional Real Estate Photos

Can you imagine that!!! Had she not taken the effort to give us a call, probably her home would still be for sale!

So, give us a change, let us help you sell your property FAST!

Kirk Voclain Photography Home Page.

Kirk Voclain Real Estate Photography Page.

Real Estate Photos Pricing Page.